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Part 1 - The Essentials
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Introduction to Part 1 (0:19)
What is a Key? (1:58)
Thirds in the Key of G (3:28)
EXERCISE - Playing the Diatonic Thirds (1:47)
Diatonic Thirds on Strings 4(D) and 3(G) (2:15)
Diatonic Thirds on Strings 2(B) and 1(E) (2:38)
Moving Thirds Vertically Across the String Pairs (2:34)
Thirds Vision Practice (1:21)
QUIZ - Test Your Knowledge
Part 1 Practice Exercises
Part 2 - The Different Triad Qualities
Introducing the Triad String Sets (1:34)
What exactly is a triad? (2:36)
Major Triad = Major Third + Minor Third (1:59)
Minor Triad = Minor Third + Major Third (3:16)
Diminished Triad = Minor Third + Minor Third (2:15)
Chords in the Major Key (1:40)
EXERCISE - Static Root and the Augmented Triad (2:28)
BONUS: Introducing the Circle of Fifths (2:32)
Part 3A - Progression 1 - I-IV-I-V (SS1)
Introduction (0:33)
Options for the I-IV-V (3:58)
Rules on Moving Triad Shapes Vertically (2:38)
EXERCISE - Major Triad across all String Sets (1:36)
Voice Leading (1:02)
Slash Chords and Triad Inversions (4:11)
'Close Voicing' Triads (4:20)
Three Ways to Play The Progression (SS1) plus PLAYTHROUGH (4:03)
Circle Progressions Share a Common Tone (0:52)
TEST - Triad Inversions (String Set 1) (0:38)
EXERCISE - I-IV-V Horizontally (String Set 1) (2:41)
EXERCISE - All Major Triads Around The Circle (String Set 1) (3:22)
BONUS - Sus Chords (6:44)
Part 3A Practice Exercises
Part 3B - Progression 1 - I-IV-I-V (SS2)
Major Triad Inversions on String Set 2 (4:38)
I-IV-V Common Tones (String Set 2) (1:36)
One Chord Three Ways (String Set 2) (3:24)
Three Ways to Play the Progression (String Set 2) plus PLAYTHROUGH (3:07)
TEST - Triad Inversions (String Set 2) (0:49)
EXERCISE - I-IV-V Horizontally (String Set 2) (1:12)
EXERCISE - All Major Triads Around The Circle (String Set 2) (1:19)
Sus Chords (String Set 2) (4:06)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression with Sus Chords on String Set 2 (1:03)
Part 3B Practice Exercises
Part 3C - Progression 1 - I-IV-I-V (SS3) plus CAGED Vision
Major Triad Inversions on String Set 3 (2:01)
I-IV-V Common Tones (String Set 3) (1:03)
One Chord Three Ways (String Set 3) (1:40)
Three Ways to Play the Progression (String Set 3) plus PLAYTHROUGH (2:55)
TEST - Triad Inversions (String Set 3) (1:11)
EXERCISE - I-IV-V Horizontally (String Set 3) (1:29)
EXERCISE - All Major Triads Around The Circle (String Set 3) (1:21)
Sus Chords (String Set 3) (1:19)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression with Sus Chords on String Set 3 (1:01)
CAGED Major Triad Vision (4:55)
Final Thoughts on Progression 1 (1:17)
Part 4A - Progression 2 - I-ii (SS2)
Introduction (0:41)
Minor Triads on String Set 2 (3:28)
Linking the Minor Triad Inversions (String Set 2) (4:44)
EXERCISE - All Minor Triads Around The Circle (String Set 2) (1:20)
I-ii Options (4:52)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 2 (I-ii) String Set 2 (4:38)
Introducing the Triad Chord Scale (4:21)
EXERCISE - Triad Chord Scales on String Set 2 (60 BPM) (1:04)
Part 4B - Progression 2 - I-ii (SS1)
Minor Triads on String Set 1 (3:31)
Linking the Minor Triad Inversions (String Set 1) (1:53)
EXERCISE - All Minor Triads Around The Circle (String Set 1) (1:21)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 2 (I-ii) String Set 1 (4:31)
EXERCISE - Triad Chord Scales on String Set 1 (60 BPM) (2:43)
Part 4C - Progression 2 - I-ii (SS3)
Minor Triads on String Set 3 (4:32)
Linking the Minor Triad Inversions (String Set 3) (1:42)
EXERCISE - All Minor Triads Around The Circle (String Set 3) (1:21)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 2 (I-ii) String Set 3 (3:56)
EXERCISE - Triad Chord Scales on String Set 3 (60 BPM) (2:58)
Part 4D - Progression 2 - I-ii (CAGED) plus the Augmented 'Hack'
Minor Sus Chords (1:50)
CAGED Minor Triad Vision (6:45)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 2 (I-ii) using CAGED Inversions (0:59)
BONUS: The Augmented Triad 'Hack' (5:36)
Part 5 - Progression 3 - I-iii-vi-IV
Introduction (0:32)
Progressions Moving Up in Thirds (3:46)
Key of G Progressions in Ascending Thirds (3:02)
Progressions Moving Down in Thirds (4:08)
Key of G Progressions in Ascending Sixths (Descending Thirds) (1:35)
Voice Leading Progression 3 (4:21)
CAGED Playthrough Introduction (1:42)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 3 (I-iii-vi-IV) - E-Shape Vertical Inversions (1:04)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 3 (I-iii-vi-IV) - C-Shape Vertical Inversions (1:03)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 3 (I-iii-vi-IV) - A/G-Shape Vertical Inversions (1:04)
Part 6 - Progression 4 - 12-Bar Blues in D
Introduction (0:17)
The 'Bluesy' Dominant Seventh (3:42)
Reviewing the 12-Bar Blues Progression (1:07)
All Triad Root Notes for the Blues Progression (1:27)
Playing the Blues Progression on String Set 1 (2:03)
Playing the Blues Progression on String Set 2 (1:35)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 4 (12-Bar Blues) - String Set 2 (2:31)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 4 (12-Bar Blues) - String Set 1 (2:28)
Part 7 - Progression 5 - I Will Survive This Triad Exercise!
Introduction (0:26)
Seventh Chords formed on the Major Triads in the Key (6:35)
Seventh Chords formed on the Minor Triads in the Key (2:35)
The Seventh Chord formed on the Diminished Triad in the Key (2:27)
Triad to Any Seventh Chord (4:50)
Progression 5 Breakdown (5:59)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 5 (I Will Survive...) - String Set 2 (1:41)
PLAYTHROUGH - Progression 5 (I Will Survive...) - String Set 1 (1:58)
Part 8 - Spread Triads
Introduction (0:43)
Root Position Spread Triads (3:31)
Root Position Minor Spread Triads (1:58)
Horizontal Spread Triad Inversions (2:04)
All Bass 6(E) Major Spread Triads (4:33)
I-IV-V for Spread Triad Voice Leading (Bass String 6(E)) (6:13)
CAGED Spread Triads Vision (4:41)
Applying Voice Leading to Spread Triads (5:11)
Voice Leading Progression 3 with Spread Triads (I-iii-vi-IV) (2:29)
Vertical Chord Scales with Spread Triads (4:39)
Part 9 - Melodic Triads
Introduction (0:27)
Single String Chord Tones (6:20)
2-String Chord Tones (The 1-2 Triad Arpeggio) (3:26)
2-String Chord Tones (Part 2) (The 2-1 Triad Arpeggio) (2:37)
2-String Chord Tone Inversions (2:28)
Octave Explorations (5:35)
Putting it all to a Progression (4:08)
Part 10 - Triad Cycles...The ULTIMATE Triad Practice Routine
Introduction (0:56)
What is a Triad Cycle? (2:05)
Cycle 2-Cycle 7 Close Voicing (String Set 2) (3:13)
Cycle 2-Cycle 7 Spread Voicing (Bass 4(D)) (1:32)
Cycle 3-Cycle 6 Close Voicing (String Set 1) (2:12)
Cycle 3-Cycle 6 Spread Voicing (Bass 5(A)) (1:16)
Cycle 4-Cycle 5 Close Voicing (String Set 2) (2:01)
Cycle 4-Cycle 5 Spread Voicing (Bass 6(E)) (1:50)
Tips on Adding Triad Cycles to your Practice (3:02)
All Triad Root Notes for the Blues Progression
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